Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Tugu Tani Tragedy

On Sunday afternoon, January 22, 2012 the public in Indonesia is being shocked by shocking tragedy involving a car Daihatsu Xenia B 2479 XI driven Afriyani Susanti 29 years old and killed 9 pedestrians at Tugu Tani, Central Jakarta.

The officer said that Afriyani had admitted to taking ecstasy pills and drinking alcohol at a disco in the Hayam Wuruk area of West Jakarta and at a cafe in Kemang, South Jakarta. Night before the accident Afriyani did shabu-shabu party with her friends. A urine test conducted by police showed up positive for ecstasy, and the result was corroborated in a subsequent blood test by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN).

Afriyani drove her cast very fast and she lost of her control. National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Saud Usman Nasution said that the car was found to have been traveling at no less than 90 kilometers per hour at the time of the accident.

Sr. Comr. Dwi Sigit Nurmantyas, the head of the Jakarta Police’s traffic department, said that the driver of the Xenia, Afriyani, did not have a valid driver’s licence and car registration.

In her first public statement since the incident, Afriani apologized to the families of the victims in a letter read out by her sister, Ayudyah Safitri, at a news conference on Wednesday night. In it, she apologized for everything. Saying that, “Maybe my apology means nothing. But, please let me say, ‘sorry, sorry, sorry’...”

Afriyani's brother, Agus Hari Susanto, also revealed that the family had been attempting to contact the families of the deceased and injured to offer them compensation.

Police, however, have recommended against the move, warning the family that it still remained too dangerous for them to do so at this time.

Source : Tugu Tani Suspect
              Jakarta Globe

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