Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

My Favorite Things

Hi guys! Come back again with me! :D
This time, I'll tell you about things I love. There are many things I love, but I just wanna share you things that I really really love! :p 
Let's start!

One of the things I love is anime. Have you ever heard what anime is? Well, anime is Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". So it's Japanese animated cartoons. I'm sure you are familiar with Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, or Vampire Knight. That's all are examples of animes. I want to tell you about my favorite animes.

My favorite anime is Naruto. I knew it from my elementary friends. Firstly I thought Naruto is boring, it's all about fighting, fighting, and fighting. But, when I followed the story from the beginning, I started to love Naruto. It tells the story of Uzumaki Naruto, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and dreams to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. Twelve years before the start of the series, a powerful creature known as the Nine-tailed Demon Fox attacked the ninja village Konohagakure, killing many people. In response, the leader of Konohagakure's ninja military – the Fourth Hokage – sacrificed his life to seal the demon inside the newborn Uzumaki Naruto. 

There are many ninja teams in Naruto, which consist of 3 ninjas and 1 leader. The leader can be chunin or jounin. My favorit teams in Naruto is Team Kakashi, also known as Team 7.  The team is led by Kakashi Hatake, and the members are Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura. The members were selected in order to balance out their talents. Naruto, the worst student in his graduating class, would benefit from Sakura's intelligence and Sasuke's proficiency with ninja skills. Sakura would similarly benefit from her more battle-capable team-mates, whereas Sasuke would benefit from being forced to work with others. 

The official group photo of team 7

The reborn Team Kakashi
When Sasuke defected from Konoha at the end of Part I, Team 7 was disbanded for the next two and a half years. The remaining members reformed as Team Kakashi at the start of Part II in order to go and rescue Gaara.After that mission was completed, Sai was added to the team as Sasuke's replacement and Yamato briefly led the team when Kakashi was hospitalised. 

Do you know who is my favorite shinobi and kunoichi?

My favorite ninja is... Hyuuga Neji! He's sooooooo cool and strong! He is a jounin level shinobi of Konohagakure's Hyuuga clan and a member of Team Guy. He also has awesome Byakugan. I hope there's a man that similar with him, haha :p  

Neji's Byakugan

Neji's appearance in Part II
 These are some information about Neji : 
  • Neji's birthdate is July 3
  • Neji's hobby is meditation.
  • Neji's desired opponents are Hiashi Hyuuga and Naruto Uzumaki. 
  • Neji's favorite food is herring soba, while his least favorites are pumpkins, and he also has a low tolerance for anything spicy. 
  • Neji has completed 62 official missions in total: 26 D-rank, 19 C-rank, 4 B-rank, 11 A-rank, 2 S-rank. 
  • Neji's favourite phrase is "Flying leap" (飛躍, hiyaku) which refers to making rapid progress in something. 
  • Neji's personality has been described as cool and realistic.
My favorite quotes from Neji :
  • (To his father) "Father, is a person's destiny a thing like a cloud flowing with an inescapable flow? Or can a person choose the flow he wishes… I still don't know the answer to this. Either way the destination may be the same in the end. However by choosing to live like the latter, a person can live and strive towards a goal. And in this match I have finally understood those who have that are truly strong. Father, I have but one goal, I want to become stronger… Enough not to lose to anyone… That's how I feel. Father, the birds are flying freely today… They look so happy."
  • "Even if my enemy is far stronger, even if my body should fail me, I cannot lose, there is a reason I cannot lose."  
  • "All this time I've been called a genius, so I cannot lose."  

And then, my favorite kunoichi is Haruno Sakura! She is very pretty with those emerald green eyes and pink hair. She is very strong, a talented medical-nin, and a member of Team Kakashi.


Sakura's superhuman strength

 Sakura is naturally hot-headed and quick to anger, her temper seeming to get worse after training with Tsunade in Part II. Because of this, Sakura has hit people out of anger before on more than one occasion (the victim usually being Naruto), but is most of the time relatively kind, cheerful, gentle, and positive. She has a very strong sense of being useful, and is often frustrated with herself for being a burden and not being helpful.

Sakura's appearance in part II
According to Naruto Databook :
  • Sakura's hobbies are playing trivia games and memorising new material for her medical studies.
  • Sakura wishes for a rematch with Ino.
  • Sakura's favourite foods are syrup-coated anko dumplings, umeboshi, and anmitsu, while her least favourites are anything spicy.
  • Sakura has completed 34 official missions in total: 12 D-rank, 9 C-rank, 6 B-rank, 7 A-rank, 0 S-rank.
  • Sakura's favourite phrase according to the first databook is "A life with love throughout!" (一生愛の人生よ!, Isshōai no jinsei yo!) and her favourite word according to the second and third databooks is "courage" (勇気, yūki). 
  • Sakura's birthdate is March 28. 

My favorite quotes from Sakura :
  • (To Sai about Naruto's smile) " A smile is the easiest way out of a difficult situation."
  •  (About Naruto and Sasuke) "Naruto's here because he's made up his mind… my resolve is nothing compared to his now! I'm supposed to be a ninja, but all I've ever done is lean on him and cry… I was supposed to change that… I came here and I thought I was ready. But I can't do anything… I can't say anything. The only thing that remains for me… is to believe in them!"
If you want to know, I also love to read Naruto fanfiction in Fnfiction.net . I think its fanfics are awesome. I'd like to write one but I'm too shy to publish it. :p 

Well, that's all I guess. If you are Naruto fans too and you want to share something with me or wanna know more about Naruto, you may contact me by commenting this post or by social network. Thank you for reading :D

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